Kumpulan Do'a Sehari-hari
Untuk adik-adik kelas 215 dan yang liat blog ini, aku punya posting do'a sehari-hari ini.. biasanya di pakai saat pelajaran pak hafni di 215, tapi bisa di pakai juga untuk tiap pembaca blog ini.. trims klo dah liat...
1. ayat kursi
2. Al-ikhlas
Say: he is Allah, the one and only! Allah the eternal, absolute, he begetteth not nor is he begotten. and then is none like unto him.
3. Surat Al-falaq
Say: i seek refuge in the lord of the dawn. from the evil from his creatures, and from the evil of the night when it was pitch dark, and from the evil witch women who blow on knots, and from the evil of envious when he was envious.
4. surat An-naas
say: i seek refuge in god human.king of humans. humans worship. from the evil(satan wishper) who what when hiding. who wishpers(evil) into the chest human. from the jinn and humans.
5. Al-mu'minun ayat 97-98
artinya: Ya Allah aku berlindung kepadaMu dari bisikan2 syaitan
Aku memohon perlindungan padaMu, Tuhanku, dari syaitan mendatangiku.
meaning: Oh Allah, i seek refuge in you from the wishperings of satan
i begged the protectionmof thee, my lord, from the Satan came to me
6. Do'a belajar
artinya: Ya Allah berilah aku ilmu dan kepandaian yang bermanfaat
meaning: oh Allah grant me the knowledge and intelligence useful
7. Surat Al- Ashr
meaning: for the sake of time. behold, the man really in los, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and counsel each advised to obey the truth, and advised counsel patience in order to fulfill.
8. Do'a kedua orang tua
meaning: Oh Allah, forgive me and my parents to care them like they loved me as a child.
9. doa sapu jagad
artinya: Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu akan ampunan dan kesehatan pada agama, dunia dan akhirat.
meaning: oh Allah, verily i beg thee to forgiveness and health in the religious world and the hereafter.
10. doa majelis
meaning: Most holy praise thee oh Allah to praise thee, that there is no god besides thee right to be worshiped. and i beg for forgiveness and repent to you.
11. sayyidul istighfar
meaning: Oh Allah thou art my lord, there is no god worthy of worship only you thats makes me. I am your servant and i was in your grasp, i'm in covenant faithful and just to Thee obey ability at my disposal. i seek refuge in you from the evil that i do. I acknowledge the blessings that you give me and recognize for my sins, i beg your forgiveness, is not there someone who can forgive sins, opnly thou o lord.
Nah, itulah bacaan-bacaan sebelum dan sesudah aku belajar ips( pak guru) kelas 7....
Bonus.. gambar cover untuk kliping bacaan doa sehari-hari untuk kamu....
Nah,, untuk murid-murid 215 yang disuruh bikin kliping doa sehari-hari jangan lupa buat daftar isi, tanda tangan orang tua, kode pos, dan lain-lain agar menambah nilai..
makasih kakak infonya....
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